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“The most profound technologies are those that disappear. They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it.”-

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Value Creation

The company at its core believes in utilizing the vast digital fabric we have today as a paraphernalia in manifesting more grander and simplified life. Imagine a world where you can do anything and everything from live video streaming to your day to day things like dth and mobile recharge, from booking your movie tickets to booking your flight and railway tickets too and that all in just one app and with your own E wallet, a world so expedient where you can manage everything that includes your basic needs too. With this we are coming up with our own all new cloud based city wifi where in we will provide our own managed wifi to the remotest of user and sooner the network would embrace other millions of rural users for the betterment and well being of their lives. So the concept is rather like a world then more like a concept, a world what we call the I5 world.

your wallet, your app, your wifi.

i5 vision

i5 world has a vision of breaking all the digital boundaries and reaching millions all across the globe to connect the unreachable for upliftment and betterment of their life. A world which will grow in time and embrace every innovation which comes and implement and integrate with the existing concept for building more grander solution everytime. With internet of things coming up there is lot exciting stuff in place slowly and gradually we are enabling IOT in to our digital space and integrating with existing backbone we are to create, which will bring a revolution in the way of the lifestyle and the well being of people lives. The cloud we are to come up with will slowly grow and would comprise many systems working in sync with each other, systems like e governance, traffic management and other such systems which then would be available on cloud as a complete solution for your city.

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